Substitude tecaher
1 month ago
Education Substitute Teacher (Daily rate)(港青基信幼兒園(農圃道))職責:照顧幼兒及教學工作處理日常班務工作日期不定,視乎校內取病假或外出進修之教師人手(學校將預早或早上即時致電當日代課)資歷:須持有幼稚園教育證書 (CE) 或以上學歷必須為註冊教師熟識以聖經內容教學者優先考慮已取得《基本法及香港國安法》測試合格證明如何申請?Interested parties please complete a Job Application Form and send it together with your resume stating the expected salary and earliest availability either by fax, email or mail to Human Resources Department, YMCA of Hong Kong, 41 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. All personal data provided by applicants will be treated in strictest confidence and used for recruitment purpose only. Full-time Application Form Part-time Application Form聯絡方式:Whatsapp: 6901 6200 Hotline: 2268 7030 / 6901 6200 Email: Fax: 2268 7793 Address: 41 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong#J-18808-Ljbffr